Sunday, August 28, 2016

Howdy Neighbor,

Just stopping by to pray for you to have a wonderful Sunday.  How difficult do you find it is to #DoTheRightThing?  Does anyone ever agree with is the right thing?  Even more important is to answer the question do I want to do the right thing or be righteous?    I invite you to listen to the 2UpLiftAll podcast this Sunday and determine your decision.  Grab you an ice cold #MasonJar of water, lemonade, or tea and come along this learning journey with me to determine  to #DoTheRightThing or #BeRighteous 

#YouAreSpecial and we (#IAMSpecialMovement Family of Neighbors) applaud you for #DoingSpecialThings as your part #2UpLiftAll

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Leave The Fixing to the Repairman

GOD is trying to tell me and show me something. My phone's text messages started disappearing. I was heartsick. I have some that have inspirational messages and others that have other important information. I attempted to delete some as though the storage was full. Each one I opened I was heartbroken as it only had the last item that was shared. Finally I just had to let go and be okay with it because you cannot do anything about what you cannot do anything about. Today I l looked at my texts and they were back. This situation like so many situations in life have to be let go in order for GOD to move.
What are you trying to fix in your life?
When will you realize that you are not an authorized repairman (or woman)?
GOD built it and he knows how to repair it.

Monday, August 15, 2016

GOD Knows All About You (Digging Down Deep)

Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening Y'all.

That should just about cover it my Neighbors no matter where you are located in the world.  I want to welcome you to visit with me on #ThePorch for just a spell.  This is the virtual way and the actual way that I engage with #Neighbors all over the World.  This is one of the main platforms that I learned about life on; and since GOD has allowed me to share #MasonJarWisdom (GOD's Wisdom) each and every Sunday Night for over 4 years soon to be 5 years in December 2016, this is the platform that I am comfortable chatting on (I mean speaking from).  :-)

For those of you that do not know me, I am Mrs. Myra Smith Frye (aka MsMyra or Ms. Myra The Facilitator).  I am the Founder and Facilitator of the I AM Special Movement.  We are a #community of neighbors who are charged with the mission by way of the vision #2UpLiftAll.  You can learn more about us by visiting our Facebook page:

Now I have only talked about me so far but you noticed I also revert to we.  That is because other Neighbors are just important:  Family, Friends, Strategic Partners; The Young, Young-At-Heart and those Who Have a Heart for The Young (people who say they do not fall into the first two categories).  GOD gave the commandment to love your Neighbors.  Love is about action and those of us in the Movement know that we have to start and keep #DoingSpecialThings.  So as not to talk you to your next life and to allow you to get to the topic at hand, to better understand about #TheMovement #TheMission #TheVision and your part, visit with us each Sunday for a live teleconference at 7:30pm EST by dialing 712.432.6100 - Pin # 35028508.  You will be invited to grab you an ice cold Mason Jar of water, lemonade or tea and go along this learning journey with me (and the Neighbors and Guest Neighbor Facilitator).  Y'all stop by you hear?

Do you ever wonder if anyone every really knows you; gets you; understands you? This is a question that people tend to ponder regardless of their courtship or marriage status.  This tends to stem from people from small families and large families.  Even popular people are cautious about really letting people know who they really are.  The good news is that GOD really knows you  (us) and even better still loves you (us).  Wow!!!  Romans 27 He knows us far better than we know ourselves ...(The Message Bible).  Still not convinced?  I invite you to participate in two tasks after you finish this blog post:  1.  Read Psalms 139.  2.  Check out the podcast that shares about how Deep Down God Really Knows All About You.

In just a moment I am going to share a podcast with you but before I do, make sure you have your pen and paper ready and make sure that you poured yourself an ice cold Mason Jar of water, lemonade or tea and get ready to go on this learning journey with me and discover who you are, what you are alive to do and what #SpecialThings you have been given to do #2UpLiftAll.  Now Click on the Link below to listen to the podcast by way of StormTalk365: 

Until my next post, know that #YouAreSpecial and have #SpecialThings to do #2UpLiftAll

<3 and hugs,


Monday, August 8, 2016

Self-Inventory: Digging Down Deep

Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening Y'all.

That should just about cover it my Neighbors no matter where you are located in the world.  I want to welcome you to visit with me on #ThePorch for just a spell.  This is the virtual way and the actual way that I engage with #Neighbors all over the World.  This is one of the main platforms that I learned about life on; and since GOD has allowed me to share #MasonJarWisdom (GOD's Wisdom) each and every Sunday Night for over 4 years soon to be 5 years in December 2016, this is the platform that I am comfortable chatting on (I mean speaking from).  :-)

For those of you that do not know me, I am Mrs. Myra Smith Frye (aka MsMyra or Ms. Myra The Facilitator).  I am the Founder and Facilitator of the I AM Special Movement.  We are a #community of neighbors who are charged with the mission by way of the vision #2UpLiftAll.  You can learn more about us by visiting our Facebook page:

Now I have only talked about me so far but you noticed I also revert to we.  That is because other Neighbors are just important:  Family, Friends, Strategic Partners; The Young, Young-At-Heart and those Who Have a Heart for The Young (people who say they do not fall into the first two categories).  GOD gave the commandment to love your Neighbors.  Love is about action and those of us in the Movement know that we have to start and keep #DoingSpecialThings.  So as not to talk you to your next life and to allow you to get to the topic at hand, to better understand about #TheMovement #TheMission #TheVision and your part, visit with us each Sunday for a live teleconference at 7:30pm EST by dialing 712.432.6100 - Pin # 35028508.  You will be invited to grab you an ice cold Mason Jar of water, lemonade or tea and go along this learning journey with me (and the Neighbors and Guest Neighbor Facilitator).  Y'all stop by you hear?

So by now you are like I thought this was about an inventory about myself (yourself).  It is but I thought it best for us not to be strangers with me trying to share knowledge and wisdom with you. Where are you in your life journey anyway?  Are you just beginning to write the #storyofyourlife?  In other words, are you a Young Person (Youth, Kid, Child)?  Are you a young adult (Teenager, Under 25)? Are you Young-At-Heart (30+)?  Do you have a #HeartForTheYoung?  You have to decide what age that last category is in as it is a personal decision.  See as for me I am in my (New Twenties) :-) The good thing about that is that I now have some Sense and Knowledge and the Wisdom to use it.  

Regardless of what age you are or what Season of Life you are in, taking a Self-Inventory is a must. The younger you learn how to do so, the better prepared to live your life you will be.  Taking inventory of one's self is not an easy task.  But I invite you and encourage you to do it periodically. 

In just a moment I am going to share a podcast with you but before I do, make sure you have your pen and paper ready and make sure that you poured yourself and ice cold Mason Jar of water, lemonade or tea and get ready to go on this learning journey with me and discover who you are, what you are alive to do and what #SpecialThings you have been given to do #2UpLiftAll.  Now Click on the Link below to listen to the podcast by way of StormTalk365: 

Until my next post, know that #YouAreSpecial and have #SpecialThings to do #2UpLiftAll

<3 and hugs,
